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At Logic Ag Marketing, we are committed to enhancing the success of our clients and producers serving as an advocate to manage their risk and secure the lasting prosperity to enable the handoff of their farm or ranch to the next generation.


Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to supporting and improving agriculture. With experience in ag lending, cash grain merchandising, cattle feeding, and production agriculture, our backgrounds and experiences set us apart, showcasing a blend of expertise and passion that defines Logic Ag Marketing. Having livestock and row crop operations of our own, our owners and many of our employees face the same decisions and risks that our customers lose sleep over.  We strive to be your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of the agricultural industry, ensuring success for generations to come.


Adam Friedrichsen broker/agent

Livestock Agent
Commodities Broker
Crop/PRF Insurance Agent


Adam, raised on a farm in Calumet, Iowa, now resides in Alta with his family, actively managing his own row crop, cow/calf, and feeder cattle operations. With thirteen years in agricultural lending, he brings expertise as a registered broker, focusing on enhancing customer success through strategic risk management. His proficiency in calculating break-evens and optimizing marketing benefits row crop and cattle enterprises.

Daniel Gerhold broker/agent

Livestock Agent
Commodities Broker


Dan was raised on a farm in Atkins, Iowa, and resides there with his family. Passionate about marketing in row crop, cow/calf, and feedlot sectors, Dan gained hands-on market knowledge and experience. As a registered broker, he takes pride in customizing tools for each operation, especially in educating newcomers to risk management. His goal is to ensure producers are well-prepared and comprehend the risks and rewards in production agriculture.

Shane Holtorf broker/agent

Livestock Agent
Commodities Broker


Shane, raised on a family row crop farm near Pomeroy, IA, now resides by Storm Lake with his family. Shane manages a small cattle and contract swine feeding operation on his acreage. With market knowledge gained from a large grain firm, he became a registered broker. After 6 years in the grain business, he transitioned to ag lending, emphasizing profit over market noise. After another six years in lending, Shane returned to commodities, leading to the creation of Logic Ag Marketing.


 Livestock Agent
Commodities Broker


Jon was born and raised in Buena Vista County on the family farm, settled in 1882. With a lifelong involvement in agriculture, he has weathered the industry's challenges and successes. Over 20 years ago, Jon was a licensed commodity broker and has recently returned to the field with encouragement from those around him. Jon is a devoted father to three children, who fill his free time when he's not tending to the farm's row crops, custom swine nursery, and cattle. Previously, he served as an area supervisor for a swine production company and owned a construction business before joining Logic Ag.

Jordan Hinkeldey crop insurance

Crop Insurance Agent


Jordan, an Alta, Iowa native, grew up on the family row crop farm and, after returning from Iowa State, joined his parents in selling crop insurance. Now in his twelfth year as a crop insurance agent, he adds valuable expertise to our risk management team. Outside work, he often accompanies his dad, Myron, on-farm rounds. Jordan is dedicated to providing tailored assistance in crop insurance and is dedicated to contributing his expertise.


Livestock Agent
Commodities Broker


Seth has resided in the Orange City/Alton area since childhood and resides their with his family since. He gained his knowledge of market risk being a tax accountant specializing in agriculture tax law for 20 years before joining Logic Commodities. He would advise tax clients on how to calculate their break-evens and customers use different strategies to manage risk with the emphasis always on total farm profit. Seth enjoys golf and bow hunting in his spare time.



Melisa was born and raised in Monroe, WI.  She stills helps on her family farm with livestock and row crops.  She has been part of grain elevator scene since 2006.  Her passion lies in connecting to her producers and helping them win.  She finds joy in being able to work on her family farm and teaching her nephews the joy of agriculture. Melisa enjoys curling, traveling, gardening, cooking for other people and hikes. Melisa also serves on GFWC-Monroe Woman’s Club board, Blackhawk Technology College- ag advisory board and Monroe Main Street as a volunteer. 

Cash Grain Advisor
Commodities Broker
Livestock Agent

Ami Morrow - admin

Office Manager - Alta


Ami, our Storm Lake office manager, brings over twenty years of banking experience to her role. Juggling multiple responsibilities, she excels in administrative duties and support tasks. Ami was raised in the Laurens and Spencer areas, and Ami graduated from Storm Lake, IA. She resides on an acreage near Rembrandt with her family. Ami is dedicated to maintaining efficiency, organization, and exceptional customer service in our office.


Office Manager - Norway


Kim has been involved in the agriculture business for the last 15 years as an accountant. She takes pride in being organized, detailed, and helpful to customers. Kim attended Mount Mercy University where she obtained her accounting degree. She lives on a farm outside of Luzerne with her husband Dusty and three children. In Kim’s spare time she likes to go for random drives and relax at home, but most of the time you will find her in the stands at one of her three kids’ sporting events.

Office Address

Logic ag marketing logo

103 S Main Street

Alta, IA 51002

Phone: (515) 706-3100




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Trading in commodity interest products, such as futures, options, and OTC swaps, involves significant risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Before trading, carefully evaluate whether it aligns with your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. It is possible to lose all or more than your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations provided on this website are subject to change at any time. The placement of contingent orders, such as “stop-loss” or “stop-limit” orders, by you, your broker, or your trading advisor, does not guarantee loss limits, as market conditions may prevent execution of such orders. Long options strategies may result in the loss of the entire premium plus transaction costs. Short options strategies involve unlimited risk of loss plus transaction costs. The information presented reflects the opinions of Logic Commodities, LLC and is not predictive of future performance. Past performance of trades or strategies cited is not necessarily indicative of future results. Futures prices consider seasonal supply and demand factors. References to historical data are for illustrative purposes and do not imply consistent profitability.All information, communications, publications, and reports provided by Logic Commodities, LLC, including this material, are intended as a solicitation to enter into a derivatives transaction. Logic Commodities, LLC does not distribute research reports, employ research analysts, or maintain a research department as defined under CFTC Regulation 1.71. This website may include information from third parties, which is provided for informational purposes only. While Logic Commodities, LLC believes these sources are reliable, their accuracy is not guaranteed. Any material not explicitly labeled as Logic Commodities, LLC should be treated as third-party content. Communication on all mediums may be recorded.

Logic Ag Marketing is a registered DBA of Logic Commodities, LLC [NFA ID 0560923].


Logic Livestock, LLC is a licensed insurance agency operating under the registered DBA, Logic Ag Marketing. The information provided on this website is sourced from what are considered reliable entities; however, Logic Livestock, LLC does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this content. Market data is dynamic and may change without prior notice. Logic Livestock, LLC is licensed to conduct business in the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.


Logic Ag Marketing is an equal opportunity employer.  In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).


Logic Livestock, LLC and Logic Grain, LLC are not members of the National Futures Association (NFA) and are not registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). They do not represent themselves as such. Representatives of Logic Livestock, LLC or Logic Grain, LLC may, however, be registered brokers. Logic Ag Marketing is a registered DBA of both Logic Livestock, LLC and Logic Grain, LLC.

Copyright © 2021 Logic Ag Marketing, LLC - All Rights Reserved.

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